Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 4: The Roles of the Heart and Mind to Success

Days Remaining: 87 Days

This morning I read a very fitting passage from the Bible.

Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. ~ Matthew 5:23-24

What have I learned so far?

So now it's been etched deeply in my mind the importance of having a dream, and experiencing it as vividly, with all the associated sensation, as possible in your mind. It's like thinking of Crispy Pata, it's looks, smell and taste, while sitting down and waiting for my order in Golden Cowrie; my mouth watered and I can't help it. Had I not been properly trained in the art of social decorum, I would have rushed towards the kitchen, punched a waiter or two, gobbled the cruchy and mouth-watering pork limb, instead of waiting for 15 minutes for my order to arrive while my stomach was yelling at me. This is another way of saying that I have to WOW your mind with my dream, so that my mind will find ways to fulfill that dream with great intensity.

I also learned that I have to listen to my Inner Winner -- that little voice within me that doesn't hesitate to ask what it wants. Come to think of it, I think I just discovered a very good analogy.

My heart is like a little child, it keeps asking unabashly for whatever it wants. My mind is like the father, it receives the wants of my heart, and find ways to do it. Both are separate but interdependent forces within us. Interdependent in an sense that the heart relies on the mind to look for ways to realize its dream while the mind relies on the heart for emotional fuel; the more intense the desire, the easier it is for the mind to look for ways. When the heart is committed, the mind becomes single-minded. Once this state is attained, optimum performance is achieved, and success won't be too far away. And success, the good feeling it creates, will feed the bond of interpendence between the heart and the mind.

Where does visualization or virtualization comes in?

The heart supplies the emotional fuel to the heart but in return the heart can intensify the desire by providing pictures of success to the heart. Both could and should exist symbiotically to insure success.

Eureka!!! I feel like Archimedes when he ran around the city naked after he discovered a brilliant way to detemine if the king's crown is pure gold or not...I think I just discovered the interdependent role of the heart and mind in winning or quitting. Wow!!! I should reward myself with ice cream of something.

Hold on. So what causes failure or more correctly, quitting before success is achieve?

Simple. The heart losses interest of the dream, and quits.

Failure or quitting is a vicious cycle. Once the heart quits, for some reason, the mind will start to doubt the heart. The feeling associated with failure send an ill feeling or discouragement, if you will, to both the heart and the mind. So next time the heart relays a desire to the mind, the mind will not immediately budge in, but instead will ask, "Are you sure?" The mind may even flash many what-could-go-wrong scenarious to measure how committed is the heart. If the heart still confirms its desire to the mind by sending strong emotional signal, the heart will again start finding ways to realize the desire. But if again the heart lost interest and quits again before success is achieved for some reasons, the mind will go nuts over the heart. Both again feel the ill effects of failure. Eventually, the mind stops listening to the heart. Finally, after many failed attempts of relaying desires to the deaf-eared mind, the heart shuts its mouth, and stop dreaming... 

I finally arrive to the next logical question. After years of failure or of having no dream at all, how can I start again my way to success?

Simple. Forgive.(Now I feel like a guru...hehehehe.)

I must learn to forgive myself from quitting in the past, and start all over again. I have to forgive myself for all the wrong turns I did in the past, and explore all over again. In fact I should not be too hard on myself for making the wrong turns. I should be mad at myself for not making the turn at all, at least I am not a turn wiser. To start my path to success, I must forgive and reconcile with myself. After all, if God can forgive me for my transgression, why can't I not forgive myself for making mistakes or others for that matter. If God can give me many second chances, why can't I?  

Come to think of it, God is really a cool Guy. Jesus taught us to forgive each other. Now I know that He doesn't only want us to live harmoniously with each other, He wants us to succeed with our dreams! God your awesomely Amazing...

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