Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 1: A New Beginning

Days Remaining: 90 days

Yesterday my Coach challenged me to a new challenge: creating one million in ninety-days!

My first reaction in my mind was, "Why not? I will have everything to gain and nothing to loss." 

Since I started just recently a new direction in my life -- to dream again and conquer the fears that I will meet along the way -- I make it a point to accept any "worthwhile" and "positive" challenges. I've been scared most of my life, I want to break free from it. To see my site about conquering fear, go to

Today is the first day of my 90days challenge.

As suggested by my coach to wake up early in the morning, I woke up at 4AM ready to read the book that he lent to me, Cash in a Flash. I was gearing to start my day right when Leyan, my 2-year old daughter, woke up, so I spend the next one hour to send her to sleepy land.

At 5AM, my house was quiet again. After doing my morning ritual, I grabbed my Bible (Today's English Version) and read Proverbs 16:1-3.

"We may make our plans, but God has the last word.
You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives. Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out."

Just perfect! Now I know that with God's blessing I will succeed in this challenge.

After saying my sincere prayers to God to bless my plan to "create" one million in ninety-days, I settled down to read Cash in a Flash.

Since I cannot underline the book since I just borrowed it from my Coach, I decided to start this blog as a my diary and notebook, all in one.

Important points I picked up from Cash in a Flash
  • There is an ingredient to success much like the that there is an ingredient to cooking, and financial success can only be achieved if you have the right ingredients, and follow the right procedure of the master chefs of financial cooking. (Hmmmm, I feel hungry already.)
  • The arrival of money into your life can be of either of the two: by chunks or by streams. By chunk, the authors mean that money arrive to you in bulk and not regularly, while by stream, means that the money goes to your pocket on a regular and repetitive manner. To know more about chunk money, the authors suggested that I read the One Minute Millionaire.
  • There are two types of streams: Linear and Residual.
  • Linear means that you work for money like salary, commission, professional fee, etc. This is like renting yourself to someone else like your employeer, you clients, etc.
  • Residual means that money works for you like a profit, earnings, royalty, rent, etc. It's like renting your money to other people, and make it multiply by itself without you doing anything. (I like to have residual incomes...) 
  • There are three key ingredients to financial success: Wow Now, Inner Winner, and Dream Team.
Wow Now - A clear vision of your outcome
* Do you have a clear picture of the kind of lifestyle you want to create?
* Virtualize that image in your mind by experiecing it with your five senses.
* Imagine in full details the house, the neiborhood, the car, the lifestyle, etc.
* Virtualization makes your dream real to your mind.
* What is real in your mind will become real in your life!
* Heightened your virtualization by asking these questions:
       Whom did I built this for?
       Why did I built it?
       Where did I built it?
       What did I build?
       When did I build it?
* Don't concern yourself with the how! Imagine that you already did it.
* Fear is the dangerous ingredient to success. (Now I know I am on the right track when I make it one of my passion to conquer my fear. Click HERE to see my site about conquering fear.) Since fear is usually experienced by the five senses in your mind, it becomes real to you!
To conquer your fear, you have to WOW yourself with your dream. Make the your desire to succeed outweighs your fears, your dream should be more real that your fears (WOW! What powerful ideas...)

- - - - - - - - - - - CLOSE THE BOOK - - - - - - - - - - -

It's time for my morning walk...

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